I'm back

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So I'm back. That was crazy trip Tel-Aviv-Prague-Berlin-Amsterdam-Paris-Bavaria-Prague-Tel-Aviv. Bad weather was chasing us, but fortunately it was mostly warm enough even for us sun-accustomed Israelis.

Mailbox overflow did happen and all incoming mail has been bounced during 06/01-06/03. If you were trying to send me something that days, you may want to resend it again. I just started mailbox cleaning (3000 unreaded / 70% spam). And RSS Bandit (600 unreaded / 0% spam :) is waiting for me too. I just removed about 100 spam comments from the blog. Recovering's going on...

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70 or something. That's enough for me. I constantly subscribe to new ones and unsubscribe uninteresting ones to keep managable number of feeds. I'm one of those feeling fine having no unreaded posts :)

How many feeds are you currently subscribed to? Probably few than a hundred, right? I guess that because I usually have about 200 unread posts a day.

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