MSDN still suggests ineffective XSLT pipelining

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Reading wonderful "Chapter 9 - Improving XML Performance":

Split Complex Transformations into Several Stages You can incrementally transform an XML document by using multiple XSLT style sheets to generate the final required output. This process is referred to as pipelining and is particularly beneficial for complex transformations over large XML documents.

More Information

For more information about how to split complex transformations into several stages, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 320847, "HOW TO: Pipeline XSLT Transformations in .NET Applications," at;en-us;320847.
Sounds great, but referred KB article 320847 is actually a huge green fly in the ointment - it still suggests using temporary MemoryStream to pipeline XSL transformations! What a crap, didn't they hear about new XPathDocument(xslt.Transform(doc, args))??? I've reported that glitch more than a year ago and I've been told they are working to fix it. Still not fixed. Ok, probably that's time to use my MVP connections to get it finally fixed.

Another one I've stumbled upon:

XPathNavigator. The XPathNavigator abstract base class provides random read - only access to data through XPath queries over any data store. Data stores include the XmlDocument, DataSet, and XmlDataDocument classes.
Somehow "the XML data store" XPathDocument is forgotten once again :(

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