Efficient subtree transformation with SubtreeXPathNavigator

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Daniel implemented SubtreeXPathNavigator I was talking about. That's a way cool stuff, I really like it. Now I'm not sure about XmlNodeNavigator - do we need it in Mvp.Xml library or we better remove it to not confuse users with different forms of the same navigator?

I feel a bit guilty about Mvp.Xml project and the June plans I announced. Sorry, I just did nothing. I'm way busy with another unexpected stuff I just had to finish first.

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TITLE: High-performance XML (IV): subtree transformations without re-parsing URL: http://weblogs.asp.net/cazzu/archive/0001/01/01/164243.aspx IP: BLOG NAME: DATE: 06/25/2004 02:42:27 AM Read More

TITLE: Performant XML (IV): subtree transformations without re-parsing URL: http://weblogs.asp.net/cazzu/archive/0001/01/01/164243.aspx IP: BLOG NAME: DATE: 06/25/2004 02:53:19 AM Read More

TITLE: Performant XML (III): subtree transformations without re-parsing URL: http://weblogs.asp.net/cazzu/archive/0001/01/01/164243.aspx IP: BLOG NAME: DATE: 06/25/2004 05:09:50 AM Read More

TITLE: Performant XML (III): subtree transformations without re-parsing URL: http://weblogs.asp.net/cazzu/archive/0001/01/01/164243.aspx IP: BLOG NAME: DATE: 06/25/2004 06:11:59 AM Read More

TITLE: High-performance XML (III): subtree transformations without re-parsing URL: http://weblogs.asp.net/cazzu/archive/0001/01/01/164243.aspx IP: BLOG NAME: DATE: 06/28/2004 07:35:45 AM Read More


Twinks - whenever I want to.

Yup, I guess I'll try inheriting it from the SubtreeXPathNavigator and see how to handle the differences...

I think the right thing would be to have wrapper/helper method/whatever to avoid duplication of implementation, while preserving the functionality.

I believe the XmlNodeNavigator is needed anyway, and that's because of the way the navigator is created from an XmlNode. As you know, it's actually a navigator for the owner document.
So, if you're standing on the node you want to transform, you have to way of getting back to it easily from the navigator. On the other hand, you could just get there using the navigator on the first place... that would render the class pretty useless...
Maybe provide a way to quickly reposition a navigator on a certain XmlNode? A MoveTo(XmlNode) helper method?

I'd suggest that we keep all the different stuff we are playing with in the Prototype folder until we decide it is ready for the masses, and then move it up to its own level. You never know if some of the ideas that didn't make it will be useful to others.

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