August 19, 2004

Real-world puzzle - Generic syntax for ASP.NET

Mikhail Arkhipov is trying to come up with any reasonable syntax for expressing generic controls in future versions of ASP.NET (he doesn't think it will be in Whidbey). So far all of them look plain ugly or unextendable (e.g. WRT to multiple types), needless to say malformed according to XML ...

August 15, 2004

My EXSLT.NET article is live at MSDN

My latest article "Building Practical Solutions with EXSLT.NET" has been published at the MSDN XML Developer Center. This is an overview of the EXSLT.NET library and its extension functions from the practical XPath/XSLT programming point of view. Basically I wanted to show how to use EXSLT.NET functionality in practice, so ...

Wesner Moise on Whidbey Hashtables

Wesner Moise (.NET Undocumented blog) compares old good .NET 1.X System.Collections.Hashtable and brand new Whidbey Dictionary<K,V>. Interesting. In short: New collision elimination strategy - chaining instead of probing. Yeah, array based linked list for each bucket. Allegedly it doubles perf! Who said linked lists are just interviewers' toy? As a ...