December 29, 2003

On exposing comments in MovableType blogs

Here is small HOWTO on exposing comments to MovableType-running blogs to RSS readers.Note: Target MT versions are 2.64 and 2.65, I'm not sure about other ones. Intro The goals of exposing comments are: enabling for arbitrary RSS reader application to see comments made to blog items and to post new ...

Listening to blah-blah

I've been attending Microsoft conference on Biztalk 2004 in Tel-Aviv today. Well, probably the only worth doing outcome is a mug with Biztalk logo. Beside that only one presentation by Cobby Cohen was at least substantially interesting to some degree, all other talks were pure blah-blah-copy-n-paste-from-biztalk-overview. By the way we've ...

December 28, 2003

CommentAPI & MovableType

Apparently there is no CommentAPI implementation or plugin for MovableType blogging engine. At leats I'm unable to find any. And the last thing I want to do is to code in Perl today. Well, proxy ASPX page should be just fine then. ...

Bye bye, RSS 1.0 feed

Moving the blog I relaized it's kinda layered by dust from architectural point of view. So I upgraded MovableType engine up to the latest version (2.65), added RSS 2.0 and Atom 0.3 feeds and implemented wfw:commentRss in RSS 2.0 feed. Also I abandoned RSS 0.91 and 1.0 feeds. Implementing wfw:commentRss ...