November 6, 2005

XLinq news

After initial announcement XLinq hubbub seems to be more and more quiet - users are busy moving to .NET 2.0 and Microsoft is working on the next preview version. Anyway, there are some news: Microsoft released "C# LINQ Tech Preview Update for Visual Studio 2005 RTM Release": This is an ...

XSLT 2.0, XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Are W3C Candidate Recommendations

That's a big milestone in a 6-years-going-so-far design-by-committee experiment: XSLT 2.0, XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 are finally W3C Candidate Recommendations. That means that W3C now officially calls for implementations (which shows another weirdness of the design-by-committee process as XQuery alone has about 40 implementations already as per Ken North ...

Don Knuth's and SICP video lectures online

Couple cool links from the Lambda the Ultimate: An archive of videotaped Don Knuth lectures from the Stanford Center for Professional Development "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" video lectures podcast ...