May 1, 2005

Erik Meijer on Helping Programmers Program Better

Erik Meijer, one of designers of Haskell98 and C-omega languages will be presenting an interesting webcast at Tuesday, May 03, 2005 10:00 AM (GMT-08:00): MSDN Webcast: Language Design: Helping Programmers Program Better (Level 300) One of the greatest challenges programmers face is translating the concepts in their head into a ...

XQuery in .NET 2.0 Petition - too late, guys!

Almost 6 months after it's been announced that Microsoft won't ship XQuery implementation in the .NET 2.0, StylusStudio (maker of the namesake XML IDE) decided to run an online petition "XQuery for all" to urge Microsoft change the mind. Well, as a marketing action it's ok, but the petition itself ...