December 12, 2004

Some attractive XQuery papers

Some goodies from Daniela Florescu and the Database Group at the University of Heidelberg: "The BEA Streaming XQuery Processor" (full version?), D. Florescu, C. Hillery, D. Kossmann, P. Lucas, F. Riccardi, T. Westmann, M.J. Carey, A. Sundararajan. VLDB Journal. "Implementing Memoization in a Streaming XQuery Processor", Y. Diao, D. Florescu ...

Adam Kinney's new site is running XSLT2 (Saxon.NET engine)

This is amazing. Adam Kinney (Xamlon guy) runs his new blogsite on XSLT 2.0 (using Saxon.NET as XSLT engine): Adam has been redesigned, restructured and refactored. The new site has been inspired by my hate fo comment spam, interest in XSLT 2.0, desire to lose SQL and move to ...