September 28, 2004

Got a new toy: XQP (XML Query Processor) project

Well, I was talking about it a lot and finally decided to stop rambling and start doing. Here is my new toy: XQP project. XQP stands for XML Query Processor of course. It's going (if my karma is good enough) to be free open-source XPath2.0/XQuery1.0/XSLT2.0 engine for the .NET platform ...

XInclude.NET progress

Well, XInclude.NET workspace at GotDotNet seems to be severely broken. I've sent a solid dozen of requests to fix it and now they even don't answer. Ok, moving the project to, specifically to the Mvp-Xml project. I'm adding XInclude.NET v1.2 sources to the CVS right now. After some setup ...